Sunday, March 24 - Palm Sunday
8:00 am - Palm Sunday Service 10:30 am - Palm Sunday with Children's Passion Play Thursday, March 28 - Maundy Thursday 6:00 pm - Maundy Thursday Soup Supper 7:00 pm - Maundy Thursday Liturgy 8:00 pm - Overnight Vigil Friday, March 29 - Good Friday 12:00 pm - Good Friday Liturgy 1:00 pm - Stations of the Cross 7:00 pm - Good Friday Liturgy Saturday, March 30 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm - Reconciliation of a Penitent (by appt. only) 6:00 pm - Easter Vigil Sunday, March 31 - Easter Sunday 8:00 am - Spoken Eucharist 10:30 am - Eucharist, Live on YouTube/Facebook 11:30 am - Easter Egg Hunt Join us on the first Sunday of each month for a beautiful, peaceful, reflective time of prayer using Taize chant. We will begin on January 7 at 5:00 pm. We will sit together, sing, pray at the San Damiano cross, and light candles for our concerns and thanksgivings. You may come and go as you please, but we’ll sing and pray for 30-45 minutes - a lovely way to spend early (first) Sunday evenings. Meet us at church and bring friends and neighbors for this ecumenical service!
On Epiphany Sunday, January 7, it has been our tradition to support the babies of Salud Medical Center in Woodburn with gifts of knitted baby hats and handmade baby blankets. Our gifts also include disposable diapers and baby clothes.
On January 8, St. Francis will celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany. The Magi traveled to the Christ Child, laden with their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. In this year of 2023, we will bring our loving gifts of diapers, onesies, sleepers, blankets and baby hats to be donated to Salud Medical Center in Woodburn. This program was begun many years ago by Christine Wysock, head of the nurses there and a member of St. Francis, and it continues today in this most sweet and loving way. Please bring your baby gifts before or on Epiphany Sunday. Salud is very appreciative of the generosity of St. Francis.
On the traditions of Epiphany is the King's Cake. In olden days trinkets were baked into the cake, but now we hide them in little boxes. The six trinkets each have a significance, as follows: DIME= Wealth THIMBLE= Increased energy BUTTON=Increased spiritual knowledge BABY=Will know Jesus more SHOE= Will walk in the ways of the Lord BEAN= King/Queen of Epiphany The Magi were led onward in faith by the Star. On this Epiphany Sunday, each one of us at St. Francis will be able to choose our own Star that will lead, inspire, comfort or challenge us in the New Year. Come and see...... Our Cat23 group has only 4 spots left!
If you would like to join, please let Terri Hoffmann or Christopher Onstad know as soon as possible. There is more information available in the Narthex; if you prefer an email or texted information, email or text Terri. If you have already been through the catechumenate and would like to be a companion for 2023, please let us know! Cat23 is a long, leisurely exploration of what God is calling each of us to be and do as members of the Episcopal branch of the Jesus movement. We meet on Sundays from noon – 2 pm in the Parish Hall; we share lunch, stories, prayers, reflections, and some wisdom. We work to understand the scriptures and to learn what God hopes for each of us and the community of St. Francis. Christmas Flowers grace our worship space around the altar, around the walls, in the entry, the Narthex and in the windows. If you would like to honor loved ones or simply contribute funds for the beauty of the holiday, please look for contribution envelopes on Sundays in Advent, or request one from the office or Terri Hoffmann.
Clergy Bear ornaments will be on sale beginning Sunday, November 27, before and after both services. They have original collars from clergy at St. Francis, past and present. Proceeds will be used to benefit the St. Francis Altar Guild.
Thank you for your support! Clara Woodridge, Jan Baird, and Dale Rushton The Advent poetry discussion series will begin on November 27th at 9:00 am and continue through December 18th. Ken Ballard, who has facilitated this series for several years, has chosen 24 wonderful advent-themed poems for us to explore. Since Ken has moved out of state, Elisa Dale will be leading the discussions. We have plenty of booklets and hope to have a good turnout for these four Advent Sundays.
You are cordially invited to join us for the 2023 Catechumenate (Cat23)! You will be welcomed and you will learn things if any of the following questions are yours: Were you baptized as a baby or not at all? Would you like to know more about the Episcopal tradition? Would you like to know more about St. Francis Wilsonville? Are you interested in getting to know some great folks? Would you like to get baptized? Cat23 is a long, leisurely exploration of what God is calling each of us to be and do as members of the Episcopal branch of the Jesus movement. We meet on Sundays from noon - 2:00 pm in the Parish Hall; we share lunch, stories, prayers, reflections, and some wisdom. We work to understand the scriptures and to learn what God hopes for each of us and the community of St. Francis. For more information or to enroll, email Terri Hoffmann ([email protected]). |