Our Auction of Faith begins this Sunday, May 16 at 8:00 am and closes Sunday, May 23 at 8:00 pm. With over 121 donated items there is truly something for everyone! Check them out, make your list of favorites and get ready to bid. There are:
You’re sure to find perfect gifts for family, friends a favorite pet and even something special for yourself! Our goal is to raise $20,000 to support our many 2021 Outreach efforts. We have the items, but now we need bidders, and this is where we need your help! As of today, we have less than 10% of the Saint Francis church family registered. So please: 1. Register today and preview the wonderful items. 2. Share this link with at least 5 other family, friends or neighbors and encourage them to participate. Here’s the link to: register, preview, and bid beginning this Sunday at 8:00 am Comments are closed.