Bishop Diana Akiyama is coming to St. Francis on December 11 and will confirm kids over 10 years of age (and grownups) who prepare in classes this coming fall. This is an important rite of passage for kids, and St. Francis wants to celebrate with you!
Our classes will meet in the Parish Hall October 30, November 6, 13, and 20, and December 4. We’ll meet with pizza or other snacks after 10:30 worship for about an hour each Sunday. Choose a person to sponsor you who will also come to our meetings, and mark your calendars now! If you have questions or want to enroll, contact Terri Hoffmann Let’s Do Lunch is back with a new day! We hope you can join us on Tuesday, July 5th at 11:45 am. We will meet at Abella Italian Kitchen. A head count is helpful so there is a sign-up sheet in the Narthex.
Questions? Contact Peggy Danford or Sandi Thompson. St. Francis Memorial Gardens need your help to stay beautiful all summer, plus gardening is good for your soul! Please join us on July 2nd at 10:00 am. Bring your favorite garden tool if you have one, maybe some gloves if you value clean hands, and join the Memorial Gardens Committee as we do a little garden maintenance! There will be coffee or iced tea and lots of fun. Prior experience and tools are unnecessary! We’re happy to give you service credit, gardening lessons, or just dirty hands and knees — or all of the above — your choice! If you’d like more information, contact Terri Hoffmann.
Fr. Brendan will lead adult formation at 9:00 am on Sunday, May 8th and Sunday, May 22nd, discussing an ecological reading of the Bible.
One of the many lovely traditions at our St. Francis Church involves the making of origami doves which are hung from the chandeliers in the Nave for Pentecost Sunday on June 5.
Before the doves are folded, you all are invited to write a prayer of petition or thanksgiving on the prayer paper. The paper will be available in the narthex on Sunday, May 8, until the actual date of folding them on May 29. You may also submit an online prayer through the website, News Page. The doves flying over us on Pentecost are an awesome, powerful sight, and a remembrance of how we are uplifted and comforted by the prayers of others. Look for the prayer papers and take part in this beautiful connection with our loved ones. St. Francis Memorial Gardens need your help to stay beautiful all summer, plus gardening is good for your soul! Please join us the first Saturday morning of each month at 10:00 am, May through August. Bring your favorite garden tool if you have one, maybe some gloves if you value clean hands, and join the Memorial Gardens Committee as we do a little garden maintenance each month.
There will be coffee or iced tea and lots of fun. Prior experience and tools are unnecessary. We’re happy to give you service credit, gardening lessons, or just dirty hands and knees - or all of the above - your choice! If you’d like more information, contact Terri Hoffmann, [email protected] or 503-982-4825. The first St, Francis Almost Silent retreat will take place on Saturday, May 7, at St. Francis, in the Narthex, from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. The facilitators, Rev. Carolynne Fairweather and Lynn Hingson, will help you explore your connectedness with God through nature, silence, contemplation, and the Eucharist.
The retreat is open to men and women and there is no cost. To sign up, call or email Lynn at 503-598-1254 or [email protected] by Sunday, May 1. |