We gather for Good Friday.April 15, 2022
There will be services at noon and at 7:00 pm. The noon service will be followed by the Stations of the Cross. The 7:00 pm service will be on YouTube. Tonight, Thursday, April14, 2022, we celebrate Maundy Thursday, with a foot-washing service and all-night vigil.
Here is the YouTube link for our service at 7:00 pm. https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0012c1SbcibZZoU-iwmraTMuXFFLCc1ZL6dM-NLKX5TV14vSBLgLhONJTERL97pLz3Iyh5frhEIIrhSkayYSAQmGL8d_tWwpxM_ls5zjk7oVV85jRdbU2byp80IrN2D67bUwi-YzlcI7vA3TtsFBZ4CkA==&c=nel8eNlIEJOMnTcnuHcTOomilKclGHFzFlG3fDnG0sdfroYxRu8TYQ==&ch=obyX4FZ_kbSoz5Ljq3I3BMVSAPxulktHC8hKTQlKkr50usDw0WCz_w== If for any reason, you cannot access the YouTube service, try the St. Francis YouTube channel, St Francis Wilsonville Inviting: All Saint Francis men to a “nite out”. Usually every second Thursday. Exception: April 7 because of Holy Week.
Where: Langdon Farms Grill for great guy food with happy hour pricing until 6:00. Agenda: Good conversation; getting to know each other better; maybe solve all of the world’s problems. 5:30 We gather 5:45 We order food 7:15 We leave happy having had a good time Sponsors: Gary Thompson, Doug Horton, John Wisecaver, and Fr. Brendan Barnicle We will have our Maundy Thursday Soup Supper in the Parish Hall at 6:00 pm on April 14. Please sign up on the sheet in the Information Center. Make sure to let us know how many people will be attending so that we can prepare accordingly.
We look forward to seeing you there. Hospitality Ministry ([email protected]) A contemplative prayer group is starting that will meet twice a month on Mondays at 2:00 pm in the Parish Hall library. We will do Lectio Divina and sit for Centering Prayer, among other devotions. Our first meeting will be on April 4, at 2:00 pm.
If you are interested in Silent Prayer or Contemplation and want to join the prayer group or ask for more information, please contact: Lucia Jorge-Nebert (call or text: 971-341-2068, email: [email protected]) or Marcia Burdon (text only: 503-380-7820, email: [email protected]). Women On Their Own will next meet on Friday, April 8th at 11:00 at the White Rabbit Bakery in Aurora:
21368 Pacific Hwy E Aurora, OR 97002 We will have something to eat (before it gets too crowded as seating is “first come, first served”) and then explore the town of Aurora. Please reach out to others if you would like to carpool. We are looking forward to more fun together! Paula Norman, 989-832-3406, [email protected] Dale Rushton, 503-263-2151, [email protected] There are several ways that you can help the people of the Ukraine: Episcopal Relief and Development’s Ukraine Crisis Response Fund, https://www.episcopalrelief.org/product/ukraine-crisis-response/
St. Francis Outreach, which will also be making contributions to agencies providing humanitarian relief in the Ukraine Local Oregon NGO MercyCorps’ Ukraine Crisis Fund, https://www.mercycorps.org/donate/crisis-ukraine-give-now?source=P2BWPMSTOPEZZ0303221&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=search&utm_campaign=MC_UKR_crisis&msclkid=c607275ecc181cda5490456da10babfb St. Francis has started to subscribe to a weekly service called Preparing for Sunday, which provides some brief commentary on the bible readings for the upcoming weeks. It can be found on the Sermons & Services page on the St. Francis website. I encourage all of you to consider looking at it prior to Sunday, particularly if you are a lector for the week.
https://www.preparingforsunday.com/Lectionary/ds44rd48sa/ Join us in the Parish Hall library for Morning Prayer during Lent! We follow the scripture stories and pray the lovely liturgy of Morning Prayer Monday-Friday. We pray for concerns and thanksgivings as we watch the sun rise. It is a meaningful discipline for Lent and you are cordially invited.
Terri Hoffmann, [email protected] or 503-310-3576 The liturgy of the Stations of the Cross is a way for us to walk with Jesus as he went from Pilate’s palace to his place of crucifixion. The practice started in Jerusalem where the faithful would mark that last walk of Christ by stopping and praying at significant points of that walk. The liturgy consists of walking 14 “stations,” which are marked and correspond to those stops made in Jerusalem.
At 2:00 pm on March 26th and April 5th, we will leave the church and go to Mt. Angel Abbey and walk the Stations of the Cross there. The liturgy will be also offered at St. Francis on Good Friday (April 15) after the noon service. Please let Deacon Ken know (503-887-5587 or [email protected]) if you would like to join us for either (or both!) of the days at Mt. Angel or have any questions. |