Drive-up Communion has been a great success. We will offer it again this week after the 10:30 am service. If you would like to watch the service from home, and then receive Holy Communion afterwards, you can drive by St. Francis, and I will be honored to give you Communion.
In addition, we will continue to meet outside in the parking lot after both the 8:00 am and 10:30 am services for fellowship. We still cannot provide any coffee or food, but we will be happy to see your masked faces. You can watch the live broadcast of our 10:30 am service by clicking on the link. And, you can watch a replay of the 10:30 am service, by clicking the lower link. There is no pre-recorded Eucharist. Watch Live 10:30 am Eucharist Watch a Replay of our 10:30 am Eucharist A bulletin for Eucharist is here: Eucharist Bulletin You can join a live Zoom morning prayer service at 9:00 am, by clicking on the link or by accessing the call with these Zoom details: Meeting ID: 413 422 335 Password: 939504 Join Morning Prayer A bulletin for morning prayer is here: Morning Prayer Bulletin Comments are closed.