We will still be meeting in person. Going forward, in accordance with Governor Brown's order, we will be limited to 25 people at each service on Sunday November 22nd and 29. You can also watch the live broadcast of our 10:30 am Sunday service by clicking on the link.
Watch Live 10:30 am Eucharist A bulletin for Eucharist is here: Eucharist Bulletin And, you can watch a replay of the 10:30 am service, by clicking the lower link. I look forward to seeing you. Watch a Replay of our 10:30 am Eucharist You can join a live Zoom morning prayer service at 9:00 am and Adult Formation at 9:20 am, by clicking on the button to the link or by accessing the call with these Zoom details: Meeting ID: 413 422 335 Password: 939504 Join Morning Prayer & Adult Formation A bulletin for morning prayer is here: Morning Prayer Bulletin Comments are closed.