You can watch the live broadcast of our 10:30 am service by clicking on the link.
Watch Live 10:30 am Eucharist A bulletin for Eucharist is here: Eucharist Bulletin Watch a Replay of our 10:30 am Eucharist And, you can watch a replay of the 10:30 am service, by clicking the lower link. You can join a live Zoom morning prayer service at 9:00 am, by clicking on the button or by accessing the call with these Zoom details: Meeting ID: 413 422 335 Password: 939504 Join Morning Prayer A bulletin for morning prayer is here: Morning Prayer Bulletin SUNDAY CONVERSATIONS ON ZOOM For most of us, the cross is a symbol of triumph but also of suffering. For early Christians, it became a symbol of life! Using Holy Cross, Life-Giving Tree by Donnel O’Flynn. Please join conversations about the history and imagery and traditions of the cross as Tree of Life, following Morning Prayer zoom on Sunday at about 9:20 am. Use the Morning Prayer link above. Comments are closed.